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Sysgem Introduces New Version of Enterprise Management Suite
Tuesday, 27 July 2004 13:33 EST

Sysgem’s Enterprise Manager delivers centralised user account, system and security management.

ZÜRICH, Tuesday 27th July, 2004 – Sysgem, the leading provider of platform-independent IT management solutions, today announced the launch of the latest version of Sysgem Enterprise Manager (SEM) for centralised user account, system, security and development management.

Sysgem Enterprise Manager (SEM) enables monitoring, administration and incident logging for an entire IT structure using a client/server deployment architecture. The core components of SEM are a central management console with a management GUI; a central authorization server (providing log-in access control, SEM user profile management and a data repository); and remote managed agents. The new version of SEM enhances the modular plug-in capabilities for industry-standard applications such as Lotus Domino, MS Exchange, MS SQL Server, ORACLE, PATHWORKS, PMDF, SAP and Sybase.

Sysgem Enterprise Manager delivers up to 50% TCO savings over alternative IT management solutions as a result of its out-of-the-box standard features including: ease of implementation; rapid customisation; ease of use; low maintenance costs and proactive 24x7 availability. Its comprehensive system management capabilities enable the rapid identification of software and equipment failure so that corrective actions and procedures can be initiated quickly to minimise disruption to normal operations.

In addition, the use of dynamic scripting languages such as Perl, OpenVMS DCL, UNIX Shell and AS400 CL enable the integration of custom application modules into the SEM environment, using Sysgem Development Manager, for a single administrative view of all applications and users.

“Sysgem Enterprise Manager is very simple to deploy over a wide range of platform types,” says Mike Schofield, Support Manager, Sysgem. “It supports Windows, standard UNIX, Linux, OpenVMS, Netware and OS/400 to provide centralised management across most of the widely deployed server environments.”

Liverpool Direct, a joint-venture between Liverpool City Council and BT to transform the delivery of public services, has recently rolled out Sysgem to help manage the IT administration of an organic, rapidly growing organisation. Norman Rigby, IT Administrator at Liverpool Direct, commented, “Sysgem enabled us to set up 300 new users within one working day. It makes IT management tasks a lot easier for domain administrators and users alike and results in considerable efficiency savings and enhances security with a full audit trail for management reporting.”

SEM delivers IT operations advantages to any end-user organisation and outsourcing service provider that would benefit from centrally administering platforms and applications. Its centralised management capabilities enable the safe delegation of system administration tasks without the need to give users administrator privileges.

Other clients that have successfully implemented Sysgem Enterprise Manager include Swisscom, London Clearing House, and Organon. Many of these clients have realised 100% ROI within the first year of implementing earlier versions of Sysgem’s SEM solution.

Sysgem has a network of distribution partners to market its Enterprise Management Suite worldwide.

About Sysgem

Sysgem AG is a software company specialising in the development of solutions for central system management and application management in distributed environments. Sysgem Enterprise Manager is a third generation software solution which forms the basis for solutions offered in the areas of user account management, system management, Security management, and development management. In addition to providing products, Sysgem AG also offers supplemental services in conjunction with its distribution partners, these include integration services as well as training, and consulting services. Today the company is successful in more than 15 countries. www.sysgem.com

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