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MetaNetworks Technologies’ Intrusion Detection and Prevention Cards Protect the World’s Fastest Network
Friday, 28 October 2005 10:51 EST

San Jose, California —Metanetworks Technologies, Inc., a leading provider of high-speed network security and monitoring hardware, announces the deployment of its MTP-10G and MTP-2G Intrusion Detection and Prevention PCI cards in SCinet – the massive network supporting the 2005 International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications (SC|05).

Selected for their wire-speed performance on Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Ethernet, the MTP cards will be used as key components for accelerating SCinet’s network security and monitoring infrastructure at SC|05.

SCinet will deliver over 500 billion bits/second ( Gbps ) aggregate WAN transport to show exhibitors. It is expected to supply more than 50 10-Gbps links with 15 to 18 10-Gbps links to be used simultaneously by some participants. To maximize performance, there will be no firewalls. In this regard, SCinet is a temporary extension of the open Internet and is subject to cyber attacks. The SCinet environment is especially challenging from a network security and monitoring prospective both for its extreme speed and openness.

The MTP-10G and MTP-2G cards are particularly suited for SCinet’s demanding environment. These versatile PCI cards forward 10 and 1 Gigabit traffic between their two Ethernet ports with approximately 1 microsecond latency while performing wire-speed, stateful, packet inspection. When determining whether to capture or block packets, the cards can apply hundreds of stateful policies per packet. Users can install up to six cards in a single host, resulting in an unprecedented total IDS/IPS capacity of up to 60 Gbps per machine ( at least 10 times greater than any existing IDS or IPS ).

The MTP-10G and MTP-2G cards support existing, open-source network security and monitoring applications. They accomplish this by specifying capture and filtering policies using public-domain IDS signatures or standard network monitoring libraries. The powerful yet flexible MTP Application Program Interface ( API ) allows network security professionals to create custom security and monitoring applications that go beyond a pure signature-based approach.

The MTP-10G and MTP-2G cards interface with the host operating system as standard NICs and can seamlessly run a variety of standard application software at much faster speeds. For example, open-source Snort IDS software can monitor a few hundred megabits of traffic with a standard NIC. With the MTP-10G card, Snort can sustain monitoring 10 Gbps of traffic without modification, a capability many times greater than any existing IDS or IPS. The MTP-10G and MTP-2G cards are also compatible with other popular libpcap-based network monitoring applications such as tcpdump.

About SC|05 and SCinet

SC|05, the premier international conference on high performance computing, networking and storage, will convene from November 12 to November 18, 2005 in Seattle. Under the theme, "Gateway to Discovery," SC|05 will showcase how high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis lead to advances in research, education and commerce. As the network for SC|05, SCinet pushes the limit in bandwidth each year and is the world’s fastest network for the duration of the show. ACM and IEEE Computer Society are the SC|05 conference series sponsors. ( www.sc05.org/exhibits/SCinet_partners.php )

About Metanetworks Technologies

Metanetworks Technologies is a spin-off of Metanetworks Inc., a leading-edge, award-winning networking security innovator since 1999. Metanetworks Technologies develops and commercializes advanced hardware-based, network-security processing systems for the open source market. Metanetworks Technologies is located in San Jose, California in the heart of Silicon Valley.

For more information please visit www.metanetworks.org.

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