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WPA-PSK: Step-by-Step
Friday, 30 September 2005 16:43 ESTEven these days, security is all the talk in wireless networks today, whether at home or in the office, and for good reason. Which security is best for you? WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) used to be the standard, but newer and arguably better security standards have been implemented for wireless. Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), named by the Wi-Fi Alliance, is taking the lead alongside an even newer version WPA2, both based on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11i ratified amendment.
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Network Security Tools

Proactive Security Auditor Proactive Password Auditor is a password security test tool that's designed to allow Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and and Windows Server 2003-based systems administrators to identify and close security holes in their networks.

File Securer File Securer is a powerful tool designed to protect your sensitive folder and personal file. With strong security, File Securer embeds the protect into windows system kernel, both on command mode and window mode, all work professionally.
Fiaif FIAIF is an Intelligent Firewall. It provides a highly customizable script for setting up an iptables-based firewall.
Press Releases
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