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Bridging the Telecoms Skills Gap
The telecoms sector is booming once again, following five years of relative dormancy. The evidence is everywhere. In the UK alone there’s BT’s 21CN, which will see over 4500 exchanges swapped out in the coming years. Over the summer of this year, we saw the rollout of the UK’s first HDTV-ready, 10GB Ethernet infrastructure for Sky’s triple-play services.

Published: Wednesday, 1 November 2006 03:07 EST

Best Practice for Database Encryption Solutions
Encryption can provide strong security for data at rest, but developing a database encryption strategy must take many factors into consideration. Organizations must balance between the requirement for security and the desire for excellent performance.

Published: Tuesday, 31 October 2006 02:54 EST

Records Management Reduces Risk
Records are paper or digital documents or forms that provide evidence of the activities of organisations and individuals. They are created during normal business activities, and are maintained to comply with regulations and to support operations.

Published: Wednesday, 25 October 2006 03:29 EST

Safend Protector 3.0 Review
Today’s enterprises characterized by a proliferation of easily accessible computer ports, such as USB and PCMCIA. In addition, a variety of communication adapters such as wireless and Bluetooth and other storage devices such as digital cameras, smart phones and PDAs all enable effortless access to endpoints.

Published: Tuesday, 24 October 2006 02:51 EST

Less Than Zero Threat, part 2
In part 1, we introduced the idea of a Less-Than-Zero threat and defined it relative to a Zero-Day threat. Now, I'll go a little deeper on each and discuss ways to protect your organization from them.

Published: Monday, 23 October 2006 13:46 EST

Less Than Zero Threat, Part 1
The security industry and trade press have directed a lot of attention toward the 'Zero-day attack,' promoting it as THE threat to guard against. According to the marketing hype, the Zero-Day attack is the one that you should most fear, so you must put in place measures to defend your organization from it.

Published: Monday, 23 October 2006 13:41 EST

Malicious Code Injection: Not Just for SQL
More and more, developers are becoming aware of the threats posed by malicious code, and SQL injection in particular, and by leaving code vulnerable to such attacks. However, while SQL is the most popular type of code injection attack, there are several others that can be just as dangerous to your applications and your data, including LDAP injection and XPath injection.

Published: Monday, 23 October 2006 03:03 EST

Securing the Financial Services Firm
Firms found in violation of SOX, GLBA, and SEC rules can face stiff fines and potential jail time, for example those found in violation of SOX Section1102 (records tampering) can face up to 20 years in prison and monetary fines.

Published: Friday, 20 October 2006 08:21 EST

Book Review: Network Security Tools
Network Security Tools by Nitesh Dhanjani and Justin Clarke is a book that shows experienced administrators how to hack and extend popular network security tools. The book also teaches how to write specialized attack and penetration tools that are suited for your network environment.

Published: Thursday, 19 October 2006 08:30 EST

The threat posed by portable storage devices
In a society where the use of portable storage devices is commonplace, the threat that these devices pose to corporations and organizations is, more often than not, ignored. This paper examines the nature of the threat that these devices present and the counter-measures that organizations can adopt to eliminate them.

Published: Thursday, 19 October 2006 02:10 EST

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SECUDE appoints Open-Source specialist as Linux Expert
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Increased Spam Fuelled Through Botnet Activities
02.11.06ÊÊMessageLabs, a provider of integrated messaging and web security services to businesses worldwide, has announced the results of its Intelligence Report for October 2006.

How to keep your VoIP net safe
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BT acquires Counterpane Internet Security
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Mac OS Bluetooth exploit - Inqtana.d
25.10.06ÊÊInqtanad is a proof-of-concept exploit, which has not yet been seen in the wild, that is installed on a Mac OS X computer via Bluetooth from a computer or PDA running a Linux system.

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