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Dial Out Connection in FreeBSD
Author: Noman Liaquat
Sunday, 25 May 2003, 22:13 GMT
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Configuring the ppp-Dial out Connection in FreeBSD. The following are tips to getting your host to be able to connect over the modem to Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Follow these steps

1 Install ppp using command pkg_add ppp*.
2 Go to directory /etc/ppp/ and edit the file ppp.conf.
3 Go to set device option and select the port at which your modem is installed

Lets suppose if modem is hooked up to the first port u will use that

set device /dev/cuaa1

4 Enable that option also

enable dns

5 When you reached at papchap option, put the following values

set phone ( put your isp Internet service dial-up Number )
set authname nomanza ( put the username which is assigned by the ISP )
set authkey hellohel9 ( put the password which is assigned by ISP)
6 After putting these values you must save that file.
7 So it’s time to make our ports executable, for that purpose you go to /dev/ directory.
8 Then put that command

# sh MAKEDEV cuaa0 ( where sh is command and MAKEDEV to make device usable for hooking through modem, whereas cuaa0 is the port which is the first serial port where modem is set, if you have second serial port then you write cuaa0 and so on).

9 In step-4 you enabled the dns, that’s means you isp dsn IP ADDRESS as stored and assign automatically, if you want to put another dns IP ADDRESS, it’s up to you, but that value is stored in the file /etc/resolv.conf.
10 I think your whole work is done, it’s the time to connect with FreeBSD.
Put that command on # Prompt.
/usr/sbin/ppp -quiet -auto -nat papchap

EXAMPLE OF /etc/ppp/ppp.conf

set log Phase Chat LCP IPCP CCP tun command
ident user-ppp VERSION (built COMPILATIONDATE)

set device /dev/cuaa0

set speed 38400
set timeout 180 # 3 minute idle timer (the default)
enable dns # request DNS info (for resolv.conf)


set phone
set authname nomanza
set authkey hellohel9

set ifaddr
add default HISADDR # Add a (sticky) default route

EXAMPLE OF /etc/resolv.conf

nameserver IP-ADDRESS-OF-ISP

But if you felt you making dialup connection you must inform me at my email address , but if there is another problem which you are feeling that its software problem or any other kind of problem in that situation you should do contact with FreeBSD ppp mailing list.

By:- Noman Liaquat Khanzada

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