Members Agree to Advance Reliable Messaging Specification Within OASIS
Wednesday, 11 May 2005 19:41 EST
Actional, Adobe, BEA Systems, DataPower, Entrust, Hitachi, IBM, IONA, Microsoft, NEC, Novell, Oracle, Reactivity, SAP, SeeBeyond, Sonic Software, Sun Microsystems, Systinet, TIBCO, webMethods, and Others Collaborate to Develop WS-ReliableMessaging in Open Standards Process
Boston, MA, USA; 10 May 2005 - Members of the OASIS international consortium have agreed to advance development of the WS-ReliableMessaging and WS-RM Policy specifications within the OASIS open standards process. The new OASIS Web Services Reliable Exchange (WS-RX) Technical Committee will broaden development of the specifications that comprise both protocol and policy assertions for reliable message exchange.
"OASIS is happy to serve as the nexus for reliable messaging work in the Web services arena and service-oriented architectures generally," noted James Bryce Clark, director of standards development at OASIS. "We're pleased to see software developers acknowledge the benefits of bringing their work to an open standards process, where all interested and affected parties can contribute to the outcome."
Gartner, Inc. Research Director, Charles Abrams, noted, "Reliable messaging is key to the future growth of business-to-business Web services. The need for secure and verifiable transactions among trading partners is paramount, for both narrow supply chains and broad industry groupings. Until now, there have been two duplicative efforts, WS-Reliability, an OASIS Standard, and WSRM, a major vendor-backed specification effort. This has caused some end user confusion and concern. Now that both efforts are under the auspices of OASIS, with major vendor support from both WS-Reliability and WSRM, end user needs should be better served. Eventual reconciliation of both efforts under the administration of OASIS, which is directing more web service standards development efforts than any other organization, will measurably progress advanced web service utilization."
Authors of the WS-ReliableMessaging v1.0 and WS-RM Policy v1.0 specifications, BEA Systems, IBM, Microsoft, and TIBCO Software, plan to submit their work to the OASIS WS-RX Technical Committee at its first meeting. Changes to these documents, as well as other contributions, will be considered and evaluated based on technical merit, business requirements of users, and the Committee's charter.
"The standardization of the WS-ReliableMessaging specification in OASIS is an important initiative," said Paul Fremantle of IBM, proposed co-chair of the OASIS WS-RX Technical Committee. "We believe there is strong demand in the marketplace for reliable Web services interactions, and our work will be key for organizations as they start to implement Web services for secure reliable business-to-business communications. For example, our work will allow businesses to exchange messages, such as purchase order entries, with the assurance of reliable delivery in an open and interoperable way."
"It is exciting and essential for the future adoption of this pivotal Web services technology that the OASIS WS-RX Committee has received such wide support from the Consortium's membership" said Sanjay Patil of SAP, proposed co-chair of the OASIS WS-RX Technical Committee. "Input from the broad community within OASIS will bring about a widely-adopted set of technologies for the reliable and robust exchange of business information as part of a Service Oriented Architecture."
To date, more than 25 organizations have indicated plans to join the OASIS WS-RX Technical Committee. Participation in the group remains open to all companies, non-profit groups, and individuals. The Committee especially seeks input from vendors of Web services products, software architects, and end users implementing solutions that require interoperable reliable messaging.
The OASIS WS-RX Technical Committee will operate under the Royalty Free on RAND Terms Mode defined by the OASIS Intellectual Property Rights Policy. As with all OASIS projects, archives of the Committee's work will be accessible to both members and non-members, and OASIS will host an open mail list for public comment.
Industry Support for WS-RX
Adobe Systems
"Reliability is a critical requirement for Web services," said Melonie Warfel, director of standards at Adobe Systems. "As Web services are being deployed in complex application integration and collaborative business processes, the standardization effort underway with the OASIS WS-RX Technical Committee is an important step in ensuring the reliability of those services."
BEA Systems
"BEA Systems is pleased to see that there is critical mass for a single reliable messaging specification. BEA has pioneered open and RF reliable messaging specifications and offered support in WebLogic for the past three years, and BEA looks forward to customers having wider choices for interoperability," said Dave Orchard, Technical Director, office of the CTO at BEA Systems.
"Our customers use Web services to conduct billions of dollars worth of business, and they have been demanding reliable messaging solutions based on open standards. Until today, customers had to choose between full reliability and broadly-supported, open standards," said Eugene Kuznetsov, CTO and chairman at DataPower. "Finally, with the WS-RX initiative, and thanks to the good citizenship of the companies involved with WSRM in contributing their work to OASIS, the SOA industry will have an open, broadly supported and reliable messaging protocol."
"Hitachi believes that the commons consisting of international standards is a crucial resource and an accelerant for technological progress. The maintenance of this commons requires the cooperation and unity of many who oftentimes travel different paths and may from time to time disagree on any specific. We are committed to work together with all to achieve the best and most positive result," said Takao Nakamura, Executive General Manager, Software Division, Hitachi, Ltd.
"There is no question that the mainstream adoption of Web services to support enterprise computing initiatives, including SOA, requires the reliable exchange of messages between different services and applications independent of vendor, platform or protocol," explained Eric Newcomer, CTO, IONA. "In fact, our customers consistently mention that applications such as EDI replacement or electronic funds transfer cannot even be considered without reliable messaging. With WS-RM submitted to OASIS, and a new technical committee formed to progress the specification, we're one step closer to the standardization of this important part of the WS-* stack."
"The breadth of industry support for the submission of WS-ReliableMessaging to OASIS is an important step in the development of the WS-* architecture," said Ari Bixhorn, Director of Web Services Strategy for Microsoft. "WS-ReliableMessaging is a critical component in enabling customers to build secure, reliable and transacted Web services."
"Oracle is committed to the use of standards for exchanging secure, reliable messages with Web services," said Donald Deutsch, vice president, Standards and Strategy Architecture, Oracle. "Oracle is pleased to be a co-sponsor of the newly formed OASIS WS-RX Technical Committee. Standards-based interoperability is critical to broad Web services adoption, and reliable messaging is a key enabling technology to achieve it."
"Reactivity is looking forward to contributing to the OASIS WS-RX Technical Committee from our extensive experience gained through real-world Web services deployments," said Andrew Nash, chief technology officer at Reactivity. "Reliable message exchange is crucial to ensuring Web Services address the issues of sophisticated business systems and forms a significant component of an XML infrastructure."
"SAP continues to demonstrate commitment to platform openness and interoperability, and we welcome the opportunity to work with other industry leaders to accomplish this goal through our proposed leadership role in the WS-RX specification development effort," said George Paolini, senior vice president of Platform Ecosystem Development at SAP. "Enterprise Service Architecture is SAP's design for a service-enabled business process platform. Web services standards for enterprise-readiness and reliability will benefit our customers and partners as part of the SAP Platform Ecosystem."
"As a proponent of reliable and secure message-based communication, SeeBeyond is pleased to announce our membership in the new OASIS Web WS-RX Technical Committee," said Alex Andrianopoulos, Vice President of Product Management & Standards for SeeBeyond. "SeeBeyond has long supported the advancement of Web services technologies to further enable interoperability and has been a direct contributor to previous OASIS work in this technology area. SeeBeyond looks forward to joining the other committee members in leveraging such previous work towards the evolution of a reliable message exchange protocol into a standard with wide industry acceptance."
Sonic Software
"Sonic is excited to be involved in the formation of the OASIS WS-RX Technical Committee," said Glen Daniels, Standards Strategist for Sonic Software. "We continue to believe that interoperable reliable messaging is a critical component in enabling real-world distributed SOAs. We are confident this TC will provide a framework within which the industry can come to an accord on this technology, taking into account all we have learned both as implementers and as a community in the past few years."
Sun Microsystems
"This development represents the first step toward a convergence of standards in the critical area of Web services reliable messaging," said Ed Julson, Director, of Web Services Standards at Sun Microsystems. "Sun's involvement highlights our emphasis on interoperability through support for open, royalty-free standards."
"We are very pleased to continue with our Web services standards leadership by working with other industry leaders in co-proposing the OASIS WS-RX Technical Committee," said Kristin Weller Muhlner, executive vice president, Product Development, webMethods. "The WS-RX work is a tremendous step forward in reliable message-based communications that will enable our customers to develop complex but secure and reliable enterprise class business applications based on Web services."
OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) is a not-for-profit, international consortium that drives the development, convergence, and adoption of e-business standards. Members themselves set the OASIS technical agenda, using a lightweight, open process expressly designed to promote industry consensus and unite disparate efforts. The consortium produces open standards for Web services, security, e-business, and standardization efforts in the public sector and for application-specific markets. Founded in 1993, OASIS has more than 4,000 participants representing over 600 organizations and individual members in 100 countries. Approved OASIS Standards include AVDL, CAP, DocBook, DSML, ebXML CPPA, ebXML Messaging, ebXML Registry, SAML, SPML, UBL, UDDI, WSDM, WS-Reliability, WSRP, WS-Security, XACML, and XCBF.