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Unified Threat Management (UTM) Does Not Go Far Enough, Says Equiine Thursday, 28 April 2005 14:50 EST
26 April 2005 - Infosecurity Europe, Olympia, London, UK - Equiinet, the internet security gateway and caching specialist, today said small and medium sized businesses should consider Unified Threat Management (UTM) as the minimum requirement for network security needs.
The UTM definition as defined by industry analyst IDC, consists of firewall, gateway anti-virus and intrusion detection and prevention, in one single appliance. Equiinet's NetPilot gateway security appliance complies with each of these security features and in addition, includes anti-spam, spyware blocking, URL filtering and Virtual Private Network (VPN).
UTM NetPilot
Anti-spam x
Firewall x x
Gateway anti-virus x x
Intrusion detection x x
Intrusion prevention x x
Spyware blocking x
URL filtering x
Virtual private network (VPN) x
Table: How Equiinet's NetPilot gateway security appliance compares with the UTM definition
Equiinet has always promoted the concept of a single appliance to address all security needs but believes the UTM definition omits key security features and as such, small and medium sized businesses reliant on UTM appliances, are in danger of being mislead and are leaving themselves vulnerable to other security threats.
"The single appliance approach means there is a single unit, from a single vendor to install and a single source for maintenance and support rather than as many as eight discrete products from eight vendors," said Bob Jones, managing director, Equiinet.
"The UTM definition is dangerous, lulling customers into a false sense of security. It omits key internet security features such as spyware blocking, URL filtering, and anti-spam that are critical to network security and efficiency for small and medium sized businesses," said Jones.
About Equiinet
Equiinet specialises in integrated, appliance-based solutions that provide cost-effective, easy, fast and secure access to the Internet.
The NetPilot range of internet server appliances for businesses with up to 500 employees are Unified Threat Management devices protecting against all Internet threats by utilising a firewall with intrusion detection and intrusion prevention capability, anti-virus, anti-spam, spyware blocking, and URL filtering software
The market-leading CachePilot content delivery and smart caching appliance makes multimedia eLearning content available to schools and businesses regardless of bandwidth constraints. CachePilot has 80% market share.
Based in Swindon, Equiinet is the fourth technology start-up of serial entrepreneur Bob Jones. Visit www.netpilot.com and www.equiinet.com for more information.