How the iPod Will Change the Face of Computer Security
The iPod has caused a bit of a revolution in the music industry. By making the iPod incredibly user-friendly and providing affordable content, Apple has put more than 28 million iPods in the hands of consumers all over the world (with 10 million more expected to be sold before Christmas 2005).Consumers now expect that they can access legal music on demand for a dollar a song rather than having to go to the store to buy a CD for $15. And with the iPod you can listen to your massive music collection at home, in your iPod-enabled car, at the office, and at friends' parties. No more messing around with CD binders or a laptop full of music.
None of this is a surprise. We're all familiar with the iPod and its impact on society. It has become a household name. But from a security perspective, the iPod hasn't created the same ripple. Why should it? After all, it's simply a consumer electronic device.
Friday, 9 December 2005 10:14 EST
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