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Firms lack plans in event of an attack

Security executives have admitted that their companies do not have plans to cope with the effect of an unconventional terrorist attack, even though most believe that a terrorist attack of some kind is likely in the coming months, according to a poll. US title CSO magazine surveyed 476 chief security officers (CSOs) and senior security executives, and found that 60% believe that a terrorist attack is likely in Boston or New York. While 63% of CSOs say their companies have planned for such attacks if conventional means, such as bombings or hostage taking, are used, 61% say that they have not planned for unconventional attacks using chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.

The online survey of CSO subscribers was conducted between 27 April and 18 May, and has a 4.5% margin of error. The subscribers were asked their opinions on a number of issues, including terrorism, politics, information technology security policy and purchasing decisions.

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