Secure your password solution
Tuesday, 25 May 2004 15:52 EST
Organisations are discovering an easy way to reduce the workload of IT and help desk administrators - password self-service. According to Gartner, password reset and user ID problems represent 15 to 35 per cent of helpdesk call volume, with a typical cost per call of $10 (£5.54) to $31 (£17.18). Even this humble author, looking through his recent trouble tickets, must sheepishly admit to four requests for resets over the last nine months.
By enabling end users to reset their own passwords and unlock their Windows accounts, businesses can free up time for overburdened administrators to concentrate on other more valuable operations. The typical self-service solution provides a Web page where end users can answer questions to authenticate their identity and then reset their password. This requires an initial setup to register users and establish the correct responses to challenge questions.
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