Wireless Web to Hit 600M
Thursday, 29 April 2004 16:01 EST
The number of global wireless Internet users will grow to nearly 600 million by 2008. "Mobile IP Users Population - 2003 in Review," a new report from Probe Group, forecasts the market for wireless Internet subscribers and reviews the state of the mobile operating system market. The total number of wireless Internet users continues to grow as mobile carriers expand the number of services offered. "As handsets become more affordable," states Alan Mosher, Probe Group Research Director, "carriers will become more aggressive in their marketing, including service pricing."
2003 saw several developments in the mobile operating system (OS) market. "Nokia announced several handsets running the Symbian OS, and Samsung joined the Symbian Alliance," Mosher continued. "Microsoft and Motorola introduced a Smartphone handset, while Handspring, failing in its attempt to offer only communications devices rather than PDAs, was acquired by Palm." Due to a larger number of handsets using its product, at the end of 2003, Symbian lead the mobile OS market. "We expect steady growth in the wireless Internet market, rather than dramatic bursts of activity," concluded Mosher.
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