Try before you buy with Linux 2.6
Wednesday, 14 April 2004 22:31 EST
The recently released Linux 2.6 kernel is going to be the heart of future enterprise Linux offerings. Taking it on a road test enables your IT shop to evaluate its hardware and software upgrade and replacement policies as well as its claims of improved peripheral connectivity. A real-life test is a better idea than committing to an enterprise solution based on the ticks stated on a shrink-wrapped packet. As a technology buyer, you need to be informed. This column explains how you can test 2.6 without having to commit to a full install or destroying the test box you put to the task.
Take a deep breath, we're off into kernel compile land.
If you've never done this before, then don't worry, it's a highly-automated process, no programming required. The tricky part is traditional IT -- namely managing a few dependencies and having the right tools in place. The goal is to produce a running kernel without disturbing the rest of the test box much.
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