Sun Exec: Microsoft Deal Isn't Anti-Linux
Thursday, 8 April 2004 16:04 EST
Sun's deal with Microsoft last week was not an anti-Linux maneuver, but rather intended to broaden "interoperability and choice for our customers," said John Fowler, Sun Chief Technology Officer for Software, on Wednesday. "The agreement with Microsoft is about interoperability and choice for our customers, not about battling Linux or open source," Fowler said in an e-mail interview with Linux Pipeline. "Sun recognizes that mixed environments are a reality and Sun is investing to make customers successful with Sun products in a mixed environment."
In a surprising team-up, Microsoft and Sun said they plan to drop several years of litigation, and to cooperate on achieving interoperability between their respective technologies. Microsoft is also paying Sun $1.95 billion, which Sun badly needs. Pundits have said the deal is anti-Linux, but Fowler said that's simply not true.
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