Microsoft Loves Linux
Friday, 5 March 2004 18:01 EST
In the most recent Halloween document, it appears that Microsoft might have funded SCO's little attack on Linux to the tune of some $86 million dollars. First of all, can we call this a Casmir Pulaski Document as it is falling on Casmir Pulaski's day, a holiday in the state of Illinois? 10 Halloween documents, and not all that many fall on that one day. That said. Microsoft is spending money to come after Linux. I don't want to downplay the importance of this, but ....what of it? They will come after Linux with every weapon in their monopolist arsenal including but not limited to.
In short, the kind of action described in the recent Casmir (You know, the polish "Father of the Cavalry"?) document shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone (and likely doesn't!). The only surprise that accompanied its release is that this is the first we're hearing of it and that more underhanded attacks on Linux aren't out in the open.
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