'War driver' finds easy pickings
Thursday, 4 March 2004 12:56 EST
Wireless network systems growing in popularity, but lack of security offers hackers an enticing opportunity to do mayhem. "War driver" intent on showing businesses need for wireless security. A ride in "Bubba" Mahan's van can be an eye-opener. "There's one now," he said as the laptop computer in the center console area beeped to life. It had found a wireless network, and it was insecure. With a few clicks of the keyboard, Mahan would have been able to gain access to the Internet or another computer.
Mahan is a "war driver" and has been for about six years. As part of his computer consulting business, Mahan cruises around looking for unsecure wireless network systems so he can warn businesses about their systems and, hopefully, persuade them to add security.
The potential for mayhem is obvious. Some war drivers access these systems and use the Internet. But they can do malicious things as well, including accessing personal information, or even launch a virus.
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