Spam Tide May Be Turning
Tuesday, 2 March 2004 11:54 EST
Major announcements at the RSA Conference here last week—in addition to recent anti-spam technology advances—mark the beginning of the end of spam as we know it. At the conference, Microsoft Corp. introduced its CSRI (Coordinated Spam Reduction Initiative), and Sendmail Inc. announced broad support of SMTP identification schemes.
Other anti-spam initiatives have moved ahead in recent weeks. The SPF (Sender Policy Framework), championed by Meng Weng Wong, gained traction on the news that it will be formally submitted to the Internet Engineering Task Force. Yahoo Inc.'s Domain Keys, announced in December, has also bolstered the campaign for e-mail identity technology. Brightmail Inc.'s Reputation Service and IronPort Systems Inc.'s SMTPi initiative debuted late last month as well.
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