'Robin Hood' virus on the loose
Thursday, 12 February 2004 20:32 EST
A new variant of the Nachi worm is patching PCs that are vulnerable to MyDoom.A. Nachi B, also known as Welchi, copies itself onto systems using the same flaw as MyDoom.A, as a file named 'Svchost.exe'. It then attempts to delete MyDoom and downloads patches to fix the security hole. Carole Theriault, security consultant at Sophos, said: "It's an interesting case - some kind of Robin Hood virus. "We're seeing some spreading but it's not going too fast. We're hoping everyone with MyDoom would have stripped it out by now. If IT managers haven't updated by now they are way behind the curve."
Viruses to deal with viruses are nothing new. In the mid 1990s a boot sector virus called Chinese Fish attempted something similar by removing a virus called Stoned.
Nachi's first incarnation emerged last year as an attempt to patch the security hole exploited by the Blaster worm.
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