MyDoom Virus Could be 'Linux War' Weapon
Tuesday, 27 January 2004 22:17 EST
A fast-spreading mass-mailing virus has emerged as an unlikely weapon in the ongoing 'Linux War' between the SCO Group and the open-source community. Anti-virus experts have increased the threat level on the W32.Novarg.A@mm (MyDoom) virus, which is spreading like wildfire through e-mail in-boxes worldwide and is programmed to launch a massive distributed denial-of-service (DDos) attack against the SCO home page.
"This one is pretty bad. It's widespread and it only looks to be increasing," said Chris Belthoff, a senior security analyst at Sophos, Inc. "This takes the Linux Wars to a new intensity. It appears that the author of MyDoom may have taken the war of words from the courtrooms and Internet message boards to a new level . . . If we ever get our hands on MyDoom's creator our guess is that he will be an open source sympathizer."
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